Berry resting at home on his futon after surgery
We are all exhausted. Berry proceeded to pace around the house at intervals with the e-collar, trying to jam himself through small spaces. When we was not doing this, he would stand near the bed staring at us and crying, using tones I have not heard before. He did this despite the pain pills, so we were worried. Finally, I decided to give the e-collar a temporary heave-ho in order to see how much of this was about the collar rather than post-surgical pain. The second it came off he raced to his bed and was snoring in no time. We felt better. Screw the e-collar. I wrapped an Ace bandage around each front paw to cover those insane dew claws and that, as they say, was that. I don’t care that his Akita single-mindedness got him out of the e-collar. He was in pain and this was not a time for us to worry about who is in control (he is). The poor dog just needed to sleep. He was doped up and slept like a lump for hours. In the morning I found the bandages on the floor, so I rigged something up for his paws with sock bands. While he has been incredibly pissed off at me (he won’t look at me), I am trying to explain to him that it’s either those socks or the e-collar. He groans at me when I put them on, and he is ignoring me and not sleeping by me in general. I don’t blame him. It’s not like I was able to let him know in advance what would happen. I take this responsibility very seriously and I feel bad for him. How would you like wake up and find that you are missing teeth? It’ll take a bit before he trusts us again.