Sage in 2008
Our niece, Sage, was here for a visit this month, which was nice since I have not seen her for almost 10 years. She and Matt are the same age, give or take. Sage is majoring in environmental studies at the University of Vermont, and currently spending a semester looking at water-related issues here in the West, so this afforded an opportunity to come see us. She ultimately wants to become a nurse practitioner in the area of women’s health. Matt, Sage and I discussed all of this and more over breakfast at Jimmy Bean’s (1290 6th Street, Berkeley) today, which was fun. We all had breakfasty things, like eggs and/or potatoes. Matt had a goat cheese and mushroom omelet, so he was the most “Berkeley” of the three of us. On the way to drop Sage off at the BART station for her foray into SF, we stopped so I could use the restroom at the little collection of shops at Gilman and 10th street. I know, I know, I should have gone at the restaurant. The delay was fortuitous, though, in that Sage ran into one of her UV professors at the BART station, which would never have happened had we not made that pit stop.