Hellmann’s mayonnaise has been around since 1913 and my family has been using it since 1952, the year my Grandmother, Mother and Uncle immigrated to the US from Germany.
When we relocated to California in 1995 we continued to enjoy it, though under its West Coast brand, Best Foods.
My Uncle and his malicious wife are still enjoying it on Long Island, no doubt.
The only product in recent times that came close, aside from the old Safeway Select version that no longer exists, is Costco’s Kirkland Signature.
Sadly, things have taken a turn.
Hellmann’s/Best Foods mayo had always been the standard by which all others were judged. Wonderful flavor. Creamy yet dense texture. The last jar I purchased looked different, however. And though there was something on there that said “NEW LOOK SAME GREAT TASTE,” it took only a dip of my spoon to know the texture was NOT THE SAME. It was as if there was more air incorporated into the product. And it follows that more air means less flavor and a deprecated mouthfeel.
Damn, you Best Foods! Oh, sorry. Damn you, Unilever!
There is nothing on the new jars that says “SAME GREAT RECIPE,” and we all know that “TASTE” and “RECIPE” are not equivalent. I don’t know exactly what changed, but I believe the product is lighter, so I’m guessing they’re using air to save money. You know, like overrun in ice cream. Crappy ice creams are high in overrun. Lots of air.
Maybe they’re looking for ways to offset their use of free-range eggs, who knows?
The unsubstantial texture and dumbed-down flavor will force us to purchase Kirkland Signature from here on out. It’s a little saltier, but thick with great depth of flavor. And it’s less expensive.
Greed. It’ll get you in the end. At least I hope so.
I don’t eat much fast food, and Taco Bell is my last resort when I do.
I’ve only ever eaten there a few times. Once for a free taco when the San Francisco Giants won the Word Series and everyone in the Bay Area was eligible for a freebie, and a couple times on road trips. It’s not my bag.
OK, before you get all up in my soup, I’m no stranger to fast food. I grew up off of Northern Boulevard in Flushing, Queens, near a Wetson’s (a burger joint), a Burger King, a Dunkin’ Donuts and a Nathan’s. There was also a Kentucky Fried Chicken not far from us. My Dad loved all those places, and we’d stop in now and then as a treat. It’s funny how we considered those things treats, and not what my Mom cooked every day: real food with known, quality ingredients.
So, now as then, we have fast food as an occasional splurge.
Enter the Taco Bell Breakfast Crunchwrap, stage left.
Taco Bell Breakfast Crunchwrap
I was out and about at an unearthly hour the other day and wanted to grab something. I recalled that a friend said the sausage Crunchwraps are quite good. Given that I was near a Taco Bell, and it was on my side of the street, and McDonald’s and BK were far-flung, I figured I’d give it a shot.
I have to admit it was good. Clearly freshly-made. It arrived looking like a pinwheel kind of affair, and was crispy on the griddled side. The thing had some heft, too.
There was scrambled egg, cheese, a hash brown patty (fast food chains love to bulk things up with cheap starches these days), a sausage patty and a couple of other unidentifiable bits. But it was hot, and the cheese was creamy, and that hash brown beast was crispy, and the sausage patty was savory, and I was really hungry. Even the egg part was decent. Soft and not rubbery.
Inside a Taco Bell Sausage Crunchwrap
I enjoyed it greatly. I can see why people love them. It’s like all your breakfast favorites just left a 1980s party after having snorted a couple lines and decided to form a Crunchwrap.
That flavor profile is way too amped up to occur in nature.
You think you’re eating scrambled eggs with salt and maybe a little oil, but here’s what the egg part is made up of, according to the Taco Bell website: “Cage-free whole eggs, soybean oil, salt, citric acid, pepper, flavor (sunflower oil, flavors), xanthan gum, guar gum. Contains: Egg [certified vegetarian].”
What are “flavors?” I know what “natural flavor” on a label means, and it’s always natural.
Consider the Creamy Jalapeno Sauce that comes standard on this Crunchwrap model: “Soybean oil, water, vinegar, jalapeno peppers, buttermilk, cage-free egg yolk, dextrose, chili pepper, contains 1% or less of spices, onion powder, garlic powder, minced onion, cocoa powder, paprika (VC), sugar, salt, natural flavor, modified food starch, xanthan gum, propylene glycol alginate, lactic acid, disodium inosinate & guanylate, citric acid, sorbic acid, glucono delta-lactone, potassium sorbate and sodium benzoate (P), calcium disodium EDTA (PF). Contains: Eggs, Milk. [certified vegetarian].”
It’s sad that mass food operations spend so much time and effort generating flavor compounds. I understand that this level of production requires preservatives and stabilizers, things like that, but all this flavor enhancement to make food addictive and to save money? Shameful.
Here’s what I’m thinking now: I enjoy a Whopper at Christmas because it reminds me of when I had them as a kid in Queens. Now I’m afraid to look at the ingredient list.
OK, I looked. Whew! The Whopper patty is 100% ground beef and the roll is not too bad. It has high fructose corn syrup, sadly, and one or two other oddball things, but it’s no worse than cheap, mass-produced white bread. There’s no proprietary sauce on a Whopper, just mayo and ketchup, so that bullet was dodged.
I’m happy my tradition does not involve the BK Crispy Chicken Sandwich. Don’t even look.
I was at one of my favorite places the other day: Grocery Outlet. Yes, Grocery Outlet.
Why is it a favorite place? Because you never know what you’ll find there.
Case in point, the cheese in the photo above.
I was there perusing some crappy cheese when all of a sudden I saw a mess of American cheddar under the Back Roads label peering out of the case. Now, I may not know everything. Heck, I may not know very much. But I know cheddar.
This cheese had the look of quality. And it was from Vermont — a good sign. When I picked it up it was solid and firm. I guessed it had a nice paste. Felt like it was aged enough to have depth of flavor, at worst, and some crystallization, at best. At $5.95 per pound you can’t complain if it’s only very good.
When I saw the words “Grafton Village Cheese Company” in tiny letters at the bottom of the block I was transported into a culinary orgasmitron! Like when I found generic containers of 500 bags of PG Tips for $4.99 in the same store because the manufacturer had just downsized their tea bags and needed to get rid of older stock so their new product would not suffer by comparison. Which it would have, sitting on store shelves next to boxes of the same number of tea bags which weighed more, in total. The jig would be up with the consumer. Greedy SOBs.
Grafton cheddar under a generic name at Grocery Outlet in Richmond, CA
That’s how Grocery Outlet gets some of its stock. It’s how I got numerous bags of Chicken Soup for the Soul brand dry cat food at $15 a pop for a friend’s community cats a few years back — when it went from 18 pounds per bag to 15 pounds.
If you know your products inside and out and look alive, Grocery Outlet can be a gold mine. Looking alive means checking out odd packaging and getting to know their stock over time. If you see something you love but it goes away, it may show up again.
Back to the cheddar. Which is from one of the top cheddar makers in the US. My guess is it’s overproduction or odd sizes from Grafton’s perfectly-shaped vacuum-packed line. From the flavor, it’s older than a year, for sure, but not yet three. A major, major find.
Did I ever mention that I found bottles of La Tourangelle toasted hazelnut oil at GO for some crazy low price? It was about a month away from expiration. But so what? You store it in the fridge and you’re good for a couple years. That oil, some OJ, onion powder, chopped shallots and a little sugar and salt and you’re in business with roasted Brussels sprouts.
Downsizing always makes me mad. This ice cream should be 16 ounces — a pint!!!!
Why don’t manufacturers take a little hit to their own bottom lines in order to benefit the consumer? I guess in today’s world greed reigns supreme.
Downsizing is why I now rarely buy Hellmann’s/Best Foods mayo. I buy Kirkland brand, which is excellent, and believe me when I say that I was always a Hellmann’s girl. I’m from New York City, for crying out loud.
The Kirkland version is a little salty, but it’s great, and is a full 64 ounces!
I am simply tired of being given less. I understand that prices need to go up now and then. I get that. This game of downsizing, though, I don’t get, and I try to opt out of participation whenever possible.
Short and sweet: The Snoopy Grilled Cheese Maker is a piece of junk. Unless you want grilled cheese sandwiches that are as thin as dimes and hard as them, too.
Even using cruddy, soft white bread and one slice of cheese yields something too thick to close the thing without squashing the sandwich into a wafer. I have had to revert to thin-sliced rye and thin-sliced cheese, which results in something akin to a large cheese cracker.
This is Smart Planet model SGCM1. Avoid it like the plague. I bought it at Grocery Outlet for $15.
The only real use I get out of this thing is courtesy of the box. My cat likes it.