Fried chicken livers
I bought some chicken livers to make chopped liver for my husband – which I do annually, but I thought I’d switch it up and make some fried chicken livers instead. I had them at a soul food place awhile back, and they were so good I found myself fantasizing about them off and on.
This is one of the easiest things to make. The only way you can screw them up is by overcooking, so don’t do that.
Fried Chicken Livers
Serves several people as a snack
1 pound chicken livers, trimmed of connective tissue
1 cup milk
1 cup flour
1 tablespoon salt
Enough Canola oil to deep-fry in whatever heavy and deep pan you are using
Freshly ground pepper
1). Place milk and trimmed livers in bowl and refrigerate for an hour or two and then allow to sit on counter for 30 minutes before frying.
2). Start heating your oil.
3). Whisk together flour and salt in a mixing bowl.
4). Remove livers from milk with your hands and add to flour/salt mixture and shake around until livers are coated.
5). When oil is hot (350 deg. F. is good, or when some white bread sizzles), shake excess flour off livers and add to hot oil carefully; do not crowd pan.
6). Move livers around a bit so they don’t stick together.
7). Fry until golden brown – should not take more than a couple minutes.
8). Remove to paper towels to drain excess oil.
9). Add a couple quick grinds of fresh pepper and enjoy while hot