An oozing casserole is a great thing to have for din-din on a cold winter’s eve.
While a potato gratin may be the perfect form of this, I like to add a little something else to the mix.
Awhile ago I adapted Tyler Florence’s “ultimate” recipe to what I give you here – having added the booze, changed the type of cabbage, altered the proportions and simplified the bacon process a bit.
You’ll need an oblong casserole – something like 13″ X 9″ and deep enough to hold 5 layers.
Have this with some crusty bread and a bold red. That is all. I tell you this because I first made it as a side and was told not to make anything else next time – just lots of gratin.

Shred the cabbage by hand so you get a hearty result
Potato & Cabbage Gratin with Bacon
Serves 4 – 6 as a main dish with bread
8 ounces bacon, cut into small dice or pieces
2 tablespoons butter plus extra to butter the casserole and drizzle on top
1 very small head green cabbage (or half a medium head), medium shred
2-1/4 cups heavy cream
1 shot dry sherry
1 teaspoon ground thyme
3 or so huge Russet potatoes, sliced on the thin side – at an angle (don’t peel)
1-1/2 cups shredded Asiago or Parmesano Reggiano cheese
Sea salt
Ground black pepper
1). Fry the bacon in a medium saucepan until it’s just about browned and remove from heat for a moment.
2). Return to a low flame and add the butter.
3). Add the cabbage and a little salt and pepper (depending upon bacon) and saute for about 10 minutes, keeping it moving a bit.
4). Cover cabbage and set aside.
5). Butter your casserole and shingle in a layer of potatoes – like the photo below.
6). Sprinkle 1/4 of the cheese on top – evenly.
7). Add another layer of potatoes and 1/4 of the cheese.
8). Spread the cabbage out as its own layer.
9). Add another 2 layers of potatoes and cheese.
10). Whisk the thyme, sherry and a little salt and pepper into the cream.
11). Pour the cream mixture into the casserole (find a spot in the middle – don’t douse the whole top).
12). Sprinkle a little melted butter on the top.
13). Cover very well with foil and bake at 350 deg. F for an hour.
14). Remove from oven and test middle with sharp knife. When potatoes are tender, jack temp up to 400 deg. F and bake until brown and bubbly – without foil – but watch carefully to avoid burning. You’ll need about 15 mins or so at this higher temperature. If you need more browning, just broil for a couple of minutes.
15). Allow to rest for 10 mins before serving.

This is how to shingle potato slices for the gratin

Gratin ready for the oven – just needs foil cover

Gratin done and ready to serve